Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Back in the IBESR!!!

Today we "accidentally" came across the most wonderful news. I was checking my old email address that we don't use anymore and happened to do an email search for all emails from New Life Link. I was looking for a document that was sent to us as an attachment a long time ago. When the search was complete I notice that the very first email to come up was from last week. Anytime we get an email from the that has "news" as the subject we know it will be exciting. My heart started pounding and tears flooded my eyes when I read that Jacques entered IBESR a week ago today! The first time we tried to submit him (and Vilner) to IBESR over a year ago we were denied. They would not even accept their paper work. So this event is really long overdue and to see that he has been issued a file number was so exciting!

This is the stage of the adoption that Jacques has to be at on the Haitian side of the adoption before he turns 16. There is a step that has to be done for immigration before his birthday as well but we really don't see there being any problem getting that done in time. So, what does this all mean?~~ After over a year of delays and worries the adoption of our dear son has finally begun!!!!!


Amanda said...

Praise The Lord!!!

Ya know, if he's not home by his 16th birthday, you'll have to throw him a belated 16 shindig (that's what folks in ky call a party!!!)

:~) Congrats!

Ciska said...

Our God is an amazing God!

Anonymous said...

Angela, This is maybe the best news I have heard all year. I have such a heart for the children at HFC. Have you submitted an I-600 yet?

Beka said...

I am so happy to read this news, my dear friend!

Love ya,

Becky Hinchley said...

Congratulations Angela...what wonderful news. I wish you the best!


Sarah and Tim said...

How wonderful! God is really moving within our adoption, Good things are happening down there!

One Crowded House said...

That is terrific news! YAY!!!!!

Rose Anne said...

Your happy news has made my day!
I am so glad for your son....
Lets get those younger three home and ajusted so you can get ready for your big boy...
Again Congrats!
God Bless,
Rose Anne

Ericka said...

Wonderful news!!!!
Tearing up here just thinking about it :)

Beth said...

Such wonderful news! And it seems like things are finally starting to move a little better there! :o)