Saturday, November 29, 2008

Building A History Together

We have just returned from a very special vacation together. Some of our times were fantastic and some nearly drove me insane(er). When sharing some of our adventures with my Mom she made a comment to me that really stuck with me. She reminded me that we are building a history with our new family members. What a fantastic way to look at it. There were so many times that I would just look at the six of our kids and couldn't believe that they were really all here with us. There were also many times I would think of our sweet Jacques still in Haiti and wish that he was there with us too. The most precious time was not only our first Thanksgiving together but celebrating Jude's birthday with him. Birthdays were always the hardest days during the wait to bring them home. I told Jude that every year on his birthday I would cry because I missed him so much and NOW he is right here with me and I am soooooooo happy! Thank you God for our seven amazing children!!

I've many great photo's and stories to share soon.

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