Friday, June 12, 2009

Lovenie's 5th Birthday Celebration

I think it's safe to say that Lovenie had a FANTASTIC 1st birthday in America and with her family! It started with lots of primping to make her Princess Lovenie in the morning. She was then on her way to her last day of preschool. I had heard they were having an ice cream party for the last day of school so we picked up these cupcakes and I left them with her teachers.

They were kind enough to take some photos for me of her celebration with her classmates.

Already on a sugar high, we also had this cake for the family party.

I keep marveling at how big our baby girl is getting... at least I was until I saw this picture of her with Chuck E Cheese. She looks so tiny!

I think the following photos prove that by the end of the day the tiara and attention started to go to her head~


One Crowded House said...

she looks like she had a fabulous day!

Ericka said...

oh my gosh, what a beautiful smile!!!
Happy Birthday beautiful girl. I know your momma ia beyond thrilled to be able to spend it with you :)