Saturday, September 05, 2009

Happy 17TH Sweet Son!!!

Today we celebrate the birthday of our newest family member... Jacques Obain Laughlin! How I wish we could spend it with him. It occured to me recently that the very first time we'll get to spend his birthday with him he will be turning 18, a legal adult! We've managed to miss every single birthday of his childhood but will be here to celebrate all of his adult birthdays. The day he promises forever to his bride... we'll be there. When he has his first child... we'll be there. For every holiday, heartache, and celebration.... we'll be there. Because a "child" does not need parents just when they are little but parents are needed all through out our lives. It's an honor to be Jacques' family! We thank God again today for creating him and allowing us to belong with him!

Our plan was to go celebrate his birthday at a waterpark but it ended up being a cold day AND Jim needed to be at work all night tonight. So, me and the kids are headed out in a bit to have a mellow celebration and then will hit the waterpark next weekend.

We are asking, as a gift for Jacques' birthday, that our family and friends please remember him in prayer today.


Dawn said...

I really, really needed to hear that perspective today.

Thank-you. And Happy Birthday precious Jacques!

ange said...

Happy Birthday Jacques! Praying for Gods blessing upon you this year.

Steph, G's Mom said...

That is so awesome and will be fabulous to hear he is home with you!!!

Do you have any news on how Stephanie is doing?

The Haiti Lady said...

OH, your Awesome son and my Awesome Hubby share the same Birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY JACQUES!!!

Love ya

Unknown said...

Amen...we never stop being mothers...God calls us to invest in our children's lives way beyond legal "adulthood." Praying for your days with Jacques to begin SOON!