This picture (yes, it's really me) is a hint about date number 5 of 10 for anyone that would like to take another guess at what we are up to. Could it be that our account is tapped out after the first 4 dates and we need to pull off a robbery to pay for date numbers 6-10? Could be, but not likely!
If all goes well we will be on our way tomorrow morning. Here is a few more hints:
*It is less then an hour from where we live
*We think we will be gone for about 5 hours (including drive time)
*We are not dressing formal (in case you couldn't guess that)
*We need tickets for it ($18 each)
*We will be going during the day, not night
*Kyle suggested this next hint but I thought it would be too much of a giveaway so we compromised on scrambling the letters of the hint:
is there snow in so. cali?
no idea but I KNOW you will make it fun.
Hiking or skiing....
You guys are so fun!
Bank Robbery?
(oh, wait --- you don't need tickets for that)
Something on a mountain...skiing...sledding?!
Love ya,
skiing was my first thought with the mask and sunglasses - the scrambled mountain clue helped too
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