Either my clues are WAY too easy or you guys are really good at this guessing thing! Yes, We headed out to Palm Springs for some fun in the sand on ATV's. It was so much fun!!! One of the joys of going on a weekday is that we had the whole place to ourselves (at peak season the hill is covered with around 150 people). Once we got the hang of it we were flying over jumps, doing donuts in holes in the ground (this stunt named by us- Donut holes), and speeding up and down the side of a mountain. We had a couple of tumbles. Jim's tumble was nice and gentle as he was going up the mountain when his ATV flipped backwards in slow motion. Mine was not so gentle as I made a turn too fast and was flung off the ATV and into the sand. Ouch. I haven't had the wind knocked out of me since I was a kid. I took a hard hit (please no "I told you so's", I'm hurting enough without it). Fortunately it was at the very end of our time and we were ready to turn back anyways. Despite the tumble it really was a blast and we would do it again in a heartbeat!

Me tearing up the track

Jim zooming by

On the way back we saw these dinosaurs on the side of the road. We chose this place to have a nice picnic lunch we had packed.

Run baby run!

See the cash I'm sporting? It wasn't part of the plan but it sure was fun. We had planned on finding a nice restaurant on the way home to have dessert together. We didn't see any restaurants but saw the Morongo Casino and were sure there would be a nice restaurant inside. So we went in making jokes about winning our date money back. Once the joke was made it became irresistible. We attempted to play Craps (our favorite casino game) but the table was too crowded so Jim settled in on a black jack table. I decided to just cheer him on and watch him play. It took about a whopping 2 minutes to lose $20 bucks and he asked me if I wanted to give it a try. So I did and in less then 15 minutes I had won back enough money to cover all of our date and we walked away happy. The nice restaurant was closed so we found some treats at this coffee bar to end out our fun outing.

There are many things that amuse my husband more then it would an average person. The tiny van on this trailer was one of them. Now that's what we call a mini-van. Has absolutely nothing to do with the date but we thought it was funny. (Ange-- Just think... You may be able to get one of these when the kids all grow up and move out... wink, wink)
I was just as amused as Jim. I'm not sure what that says about me. I'm scared to think about it! Today we were looking on Craigslist for 15 passenger vans so this is especially comical. Have you purchased your bus yet, Angela? You are next. :)
Missing you,
Looks like fun. I was thinking go cart racing...close, but no cigar. Good thing I don't smoke anyway!!! ;-P
Love ya,
Man, I am good! :-) Actually, I live here so an hour, vroom vroom and your hints were unmistakable.
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