Is 10 too young to sign our handsome little prince up for a modeling gig? I just love this new photo of Jude! (Kez, you're too good to me!). I'm getting SO anxious for our kids to come home. Not like I used to get... stressed, emotional, frustrated, and even sometimes angry at the situation. God continues to give me peace that it will be in His timing so there is no use for all those other feelings... but I am still anxious. More then ever! It could be just that I'm getting happily fed with so many new stories and pictures of them, or could it be God preparing me that they are really going to come home soon? In March it will be 3 years from when God led us to adopt Lovenie and just a couple months later that we learned of Jude and Stephanie. We could have never imagined such a long wait, or that one adoption would turn into 5! So... anxious, excited, nervous... just wanting to be with our children!
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