Monday, January 21, 2008

Thou Shalt Laugh

Yesterday we finally got some downtime and we watched the DVD Thou Shalt Laugh Deuce. We watched the first one last month (Thou Shalt Laugh) and it was so funny that we were really looking forward to this one. On each DVD there are several comedians. The first two or so are usually hysterical, the middle ones.... zzzzzzzzz, and they end with Taylor Mason who is a family favorite. Below are a few clips of just a little of the DVD's. They are only around 30 sec to a minute each and are packed with FUNNY. Enjoy!


The Haiti Lady said...

Those guys are so funny. Can you rent these anywhere? I have to look up their website!!
Love ya,

Angela said...


We rented them both from but I don't think they have them in the stores. Probably most of your big online rental sites would have them.