Wednesday, February 03, 2010


Wow, what a whirlwind! After writing yesterdays post and sharing the joy that our son was going to be put on a flight... we started receiving news that he was NOT after all scheduled to be on a flight for that night! So this dragged on for hours... was he going to be on a flight or not? The later it got the more certain we were that we were right back to "maybe tomorrow". However, late into the night we got a very excited email from the orphanage director saying very clearly that our child had flown out of Haiti!!! However, we are supposed to receive a call from Department of State telling us when our child is going to be flown out of Haiti and where and when they will land. Hours later that call still had not come! Jim, Jim, and Debbie were met up with by the parents of another child expected to arrive. Together they all decided to take a chance to go to the Miami airport and walk around in hopes of finding out anything at all.

I was able to look up incoming flights from Port-Au-Prince, Haiti and saw that there was a flight coming in at 3 AM. With only that news the group of parents headed to the international flights concourse to see what they could find out about that flight. At this point it was way after midnight and there was nearly no one around. However, when they got there they were able to find someone with Department of Homeland Security. This person was able to look into the flight and tell them nothing more then the fact that there were for sure 6 orphans from Haiti on that flight. Our orphanage had sent out 5, but there was no way to know if that was them. Jim, Jim, Debbie, Marcy, and Jeremy ended up sitting in the airport ALL night in the hope that it may be our children. It was not until 6-7AM that one of the parents got a call with a question regarding the immigration paper work for their child, and then they were at last pretty certain it was indeed our children that came in on that flight! Just minutes from 7 AM they delivered the children to the waiting parents!!! Jim had called me to let me know when he had been told that Jacques would be brought to him in a few minutes. I asked him to call me again as soon as he had him. I then sat by the phone for 20 minutes waiting. When the phone rang I answered but instead of my husbands voice I heard a sweet voice say "Hi Mom"!!! That's when it hit me that he really is coming home! He really is here in America!!!! They had to go and finish up even more paper work and none of them had had any sleep so I have not heard anything again. I believe that they were planning to return to their hotel to attempt some sleep before checking out. We are hopeful that they will be on a plane this afternoon and should be arriving in San Francisco at 5:45 tonight! I will be taking all the kids and waiting with signs and balloons. So much to celebrate for this family today!!! By the way... we STILL have not received that call from the government to tell us that our child left the country, what flight he is on, and where we should go to receive him. God alone worked out all the details for us!!!


Salzwedel Family said...

Hooray! So happy he is here!

Kathy Cassel said...

Wooo hooo. So glad he is safely with you. OUr twins came home Jan 25 but a wicked man made us sit in the airport forever waiting!!!!!!!!!
(I was there 36 hours total)

Dawn said...


suehowdoudo said...

Cried tears of joy for you and your family when I read this!!! God bless you!

suehowdoudo said...

God Bless you and your family! I have cried many tears of sadness for the people of Haiti in the past few weeks and today I was able to cry some tears of joy for you! Small miracles happen each day if we just look around....

Tracy said...

I am so happy for you! I can't wait to hear how he settles in to your family at last.

Ransom5 said...

Angela and Jim,

We have been closely following your vigil and are beyond excited for you and your family! Hug each other and each of your precious children for us.

Paula, Olli, and kids

Amanda said...

Congratulations, Mom!!!

Jacci in Ohio said...

Praise God!!! :) So happy for you all!

Laurie said...

Finally - very happy to hear Jacques is home. What a long ordeal for all of you. Good thing you followed your instincts & all the parents waited at the airport. Imagine the kids coming out & having no one there to greet them.