Friday, July 18, 2008

What is that blazing bright light???

We've been in the very dark tunnel so long that it is hard to comprehend that what we are looking straight into may very well be the blazing bright light at the end of the tunnel!!! We were requested to email some simple information to the US consulate this morning. This is a very good sign that there does not seem to be any major problems with our visas. Now that they have this information we hope that they will QUICKLY print the visas and it will be time to jump a plane to Haiti. Please keep those prayer coming for our family!


Amanda said...


1. I'm so glad to see your still alive.

2. I'm so excited for YOU!!!!

PRINT, PRINT, PRINT, visas!!!!

Becky Hinchley said...

We're praying for you Angela!


Anonymous said...

good luck on getting your visa's. We were able to bring our little one home from Haiti in April. I know the US consulate has had lots of changes and hopefully you will get the needed visa's and get your little ones home. How exciteing!

One Crowded House said...

Angela- that is wonderful....
We just brought our little guy home on July 1st.... he is a sweetie.
I'll keep praying....

Rose Anne said...

Put your sunglasses on and go toward the light girl!
It is about time some movement for your kids...
Can't wait to hear that holler when your get that message for Dr B to get on that plane ....
Lord bring these little ones home to their family finally ASAP!
God Bless your family!
Rose Anne