Friday, June 06, 2008

And The Winner Is.....

It's been a joke around here that we are in a race to see what will happen first: license reinstated or our children coming home. As of this morning we have ourselves a winner.... My license was reinstated this morning! WOO HOO!!! I can't tell you how great it feels to put this process behind me.

I'm off to drive somewhere... ANYWHERE!!!!


Beka said...

Hey, that is great! Maybe a road trip to San Diego is on the agenda? :-)

Nadia said...

congratulations angela!! I can't imagine not being able to drive!not being able to just run out for some milk would drive me insane!

praying for the kids to come home SOON!

Rose Anne said...

One major hurtle down and the next Great event to happen soon very soon!!!
enjoy your driving....
God Bless,
Rose Anne

One Crowded House said...

CONGRATS ANGELA!!!! Have fun driving around town!

Anonymous said...

Yeeehaaa!! How about a trip to IL?


Ericka said...

Doing the happy dance here!!!
Great news sweetie!!!
I second Linda ;)

Amanda said...

Yay!!!! What a wonderful update! I'm sure you've driving here, there, and everywhere! Whoo Hoo!