Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Our family trying to speak Creole!

So, our daughter in Haiti has been wanting to talk on the phone to us but there are two problems with this. 1) There is not an available phone for me to call her and 2) I couldn't carry a conversation in Creole!!! Sure we are learning quite a few kid friendly phrases like: I love you, Are you hungry/thirsty, go to bed, stop doing that.... that kind of stuff... but no where near carrying on a conversation.

So we decided to surprise Stephanie with a video we made of each family member saying something to them in Creole (except Luke who won't be forced into anything!). We could not get the video to attach to an email so we posted them on Youtube. When making these video's we had no idea that our bio children were going to go berserk and it's quite interesting. :)

You can view the video of Me and the boys at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qnsh3MfXqpw

Here is the English translation:

Luke: Would not say Hello but did wave and stick his tongue out and make noises- very charming
Johnny: Hello. I Love you.
Kyle: Hello Stephanie, Hello Jude, Hello Lovenie. Come play with me soon. I love you.
Mom (me): I will try to say this in Creole. Hello Darlings. I am very proud of you for doing very good in school (sidenote: Jude and Stephanie just passed 3rd quarter exams and Jude was 2nd in his class!!!)! I miss you very much. I want to come hug and kiss you. You are very pretty/handsome (same word for both) and sweet.
Did you laugh at me for my Creole? Do I talk very silly? I am trying to learn creole. I will see you soon. I love you very much

Then Jim took a shot at it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mmu7zVSN6G8

Here is his English translation: Hello my darlings. I am your father. I do not speak Creole well. You are very special. You are coming home with us forever. We love you.

I added: Your brothers are very silly.

Kyle, Johnny, and Luke were all over the place making our attempt at this video quite comical. They claim to not be scared to come live with us, just excited. We will see if they still feel that way after seeing what animals their brothers are and how bad Mom and Dad's creole is!!!!


Angelasparent said...


Great videos. Was any of the Haitian girls singing our Stephanie? If so, I didn't recognize her. Dad

Angela said...

Thanks. No, neither was Stephanie but I know which girls that your talking about. They sure can sing!! We only did the 2 video's- One of me and the boys talking to the kids and one of Jim talking to them.

Love you! Angela

Anonymous said...

Wow, these videos are amazing! I am trying to learn Creole myself, and it is really encouraging to see others stepping out too!