Monday, March 31, 2008

Welcome Back Reality!

It's Monday and life has turned back to our crazy "normal". Jim's vacation has ended and he is back at work. The kids started up school again today which means my day has been filled with teaching, packing, and cleaning. Our vacation time was anything but relaxing but we got a lot done and I'm sure we will be so grateful for this huge head start when it's time to move.
Since I'm rarely a big fan of reality I'll leave you with some great quotes from one of our favorite superheros~ The Tick:
*And, isn't sanity really just a one-trick pony anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking, but when you're good and crazy, oooh, oooh, oooh, the sky is the limit.
*I'm about to write you a reality check. Or would you prefer the cold, hard cash of truth?
*Destiny's powerful hand has made the bed of my future, and it's up to me to lie in it. I am destined to be a superhero. To right wrongs, and to pound two-fisted justice into the hearts of evildoers everywhere. And you don't fight destiny. No sir. And, you don't eat crackers in the bed of your future, or you get all... scratchy.
*Eating kittens is just plain... plain wrong! And no-one should do it, ever!
*Everybody was a baby once, Arthur. Oh, sure, maybe not today, or even yesterday. But once. Babies, chum: tiny, dimpled, fleshy mirrors of our us-ness, that we parents hurl into the future, like leathery footballs of hope. And you've got to get a good spiral on that baby, or evil will make an interception.
*I don't know the meaning of the word "surrender". I mean, I know it, I'm not dumb... just not in this context.
*Yes, my slimy friend, once again slime does not pay. You can't just coat yourself with artificial mucous and slip through the long fingers of the law. It's wrong and it's gross.
*You know, Arthur, when you spend two months riding around on a really big man, you start to learn a few things about yourself. You learn that it is a really great thing to stay on Earth and live in a place that has no arms or legs of its own. And most importantly, Arthur, you learn how to close your eyes and tell yourself that this just isn't happening to me.
*You're not going crazy. You're going sane in a crazy world!
*That doesn't seem possible. It is. I saw it in a movie once.
*In love, there's a right way and a wrong way to do things. The right way is to take someone to a movie. The wrong way is to take someone from a movie. Because kidnapping is just plain wrong!
And for Jim:
Oh, science... boring... interest... fading...

Friday, March 28, 2008

Somebody Pinch Me!!!!!

The update is here and it's ALL good news!!! Our children are OUT OUT OUT of MOI!!!!!! This means the passports will be printed and then it will be time to bring our precious children home! The birthparent interview is complete and the I-600 already approved so we are super hopeful we could get through this last part quickly. There are MANY people stuck in all steps of the process. Please continue to pray for all the waiting families. Also great news~ I couldn't believe Lovenies weight when I read the update. She is up to 25 lbs!!! This is HUGE news. For the last 2 years or so she has been stuck between 17-21 pounds. What a great jump she has taken this month and it can only be a sign of improved health. Thank you Lord!!!!

Please, please continue your prayers for our family. We are SOOOOOO close!!!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Wicked

The end of the wicked shall be cut off~ Psalms 37:38
And it doesn't get much more wicked then my hair has been lately... and not the COOL kind of wicked.... so it has been cut off! I'm now back to sporting the shoulder length hair. When my hair is chopped in layers it also springs into curls. Let this be a warning to the rest of my hair~ be good or be gone. By summer I may end up bald.
Yes, yes... I know this isn't at all what the bible verse means any more then the bible says to pray with out seizing (ceasing) means that I should not be praying while having seizures. Just a little word play going on.
However, Psalms 37:38 should be comforting to all of us SHORT people. We can claim our wicked has already been cut off (even if no one believes us)!


Our vacation time continues. It's not exactly a dream vacation as Jim and I pack and pack until we think we are going to drop. Each night so far we have called it quits for some family time. We have so much to get done this week but want to make sure that we do not end a vacation time having had no fun at all. Last night we all loaded up and had a pizza and drive in theater night. For those of you who know about one of our past trips to the drive in~ you will be glad to hear I am improving. Last night I did not startle anyone by opening their car door and begin to crawl in! I'm getting there... If I keep working at behaving my family may be less hesitant to take me places. I did get one complaint about my behavior last night though. We took the SUV this time and to get out I would climb off the bed we made and exit through the side door. I opened the door and got out and could see Johnny was waiting to come out the side door also but the car next to us was leaving so I closed the door and waited until it was safe to bring him out. He had a shocked look on his face and told me "You almost slapped me..... Twice!" WHAT? NO, I'm not a mom that slaps our kids so there must be some confusion. Johnny claims that I almost "slapped" him with the door in the face 2 times. This conversation led to two things: A lesson from me to Johnny about what the word exaggerate means, and Johnny got the nickname "Slappy" for the rest of the night. Next time we go I'll have to remember not to climb into bed in one of the cars of someone I don't know AND not to slap anyone. Hmmmm.... Maybe it's just best if I stay home!

Monday, March 24, 2008

A Beautiful Easter Gift

No Shoes, No Shirt... We'll let it Slide

We had a really beautiful Easter Celebration Day! We started out at church. Jim and I had the great fun of greeting everyone at the front door and giving out bulletins and gift bags to the kids. Then we came home for some family fun. It was 88 outside and so we took advantage of the warm weather and put up the kids waterslide. They were so excited!


It was no ordinary Easter hunt. Instead of Eggs we wrapped up candy and money in white tissue paper and tied it together with white ribbons.


Kyle and Johnny

Water fight!

After the hunt the boys unwrapped each present to see what they got. Not only candy but also quarters and dollar bills. They were so excited about the money and when Luke opened up his second $1 bill present he yelled "I'm RICH!"

Dinner was amazing. I'm allergic to pork so we don't do the ham on Holidays... so we had to suffer through some delicious BBQ'd steaks instead. We all came to the table exhausted from all the fun. The boys came in their swimsuits, and I was in PJ's by then. No fancy Easter dress for dinner for us! It was a really wonderful and memorable family day that left us all feeling very happy and relaxed.

The vacation continues as Jim is off work all of this week. We will mostly be using these days to pack, clean, and take care of errands but we do have some plans to throw in some fun along the way!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter From Us ALL

Youtube has been delaying posts of video's to my blog by a couple days so here is a link to our family's Easter greeting to all our loved ones that we are missing today:

My attempt at a greeting in Creole (on the video) is: We wish we could be with you today. We love and miss you much.

Bryn blessed us with a sweet video greeting from Jacques and Jude:

And today we also received a very sweet greeting from our darling Stephanie.

We are so hopeful that this will be our last Holiday away from each other.

May God bless each of you today while we celebrate the greatest event in History!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Day Before Easter Fun

Today was a fun packed day! We started off the fun at a farm where our Church hosted a Community Easter Event and fund raiser for the local library. They went all out with a bouncy house and slide, Candy gathering (shot from a corn launcher/cannon), pony rides for the little kids (Luke was uninterested), Wagon and pony rides for the bigger kids, Hay rides pulled by a big tractor, and more. Best of all~ it was all FREE. They also sold raffle tickets and collected books and all of it went to a local library.

Kyle enjoying the pony pulled wagon ride

Johnny gives us a wave but he didn't love the ride as it went fast and was really bumpy

The candy launcher to the right~ This it the stuff kid dreams are made of!

Johnny and Kyle waiting to pounce after the candy launcher is shot off

After the fun at the farm we went to a friends house for a BBQ/Pool party. It was the first swim of the season and we are all good and sunburned. It must be spring in California!

A good Dad+a little boy+a pool ALWAYS ='s a little boy flung into the air

The boys spent many hours in the pool. We are counting on some sound sleeping tonight!

The Happy Couple~ Happily soaking up the sunshine

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

A total meltdown?

What does a total meltdown look like? Well, we are about to find out! I'm not even sure where to begin. For anyone that has followed this wild adventure of reinstating my license you know that I have been fighting for such a long time against things that don't make any sense and other peoples errors. The last week has been insane as we juggled both vehicles for repairs and had stressors galore just with making sure I could take my test this morning. We were concerned last night because our registration expired this month but we sent the payment in before it expired and had not received our new one in the mail. No big deal we would just go in to DMV a little early and have them print one out for us. So DMV does not open until 9:00 and my test is at 9:30. We get there when they open to find a line wrapped around the building and think "this is NOT a good start". We get our number and begin our wait. At 9:30 they were no where near our number so I went to check in for my test and explain the situation while Jim continued to wait to be called. This very uncheery man looks up our registration information and tells me that the registration has been suspended because of lapse of insurance. What? We've never had a lapse in insurance! So he tosses the registration back to me and tells us to continue waiting in line and they can fix it at the window. If we get it done quickly and get back to him he will still allow me to do the test. So we sit, and sit, and sit. It was nearly an hour AFTER my appointment that we finally get to the window for help with another man that manages to be even less friendly and helpful then the first guy. Seriously... do you have to pass some sort of test to make sure you are totally unkind to work there? Turns out they can not fix it the same day (like the 1st guy told us) and so we waited for nothing. My appointment was not going to happen and the next appointment is April 8th. That means 20 more days that I cannot drive until I can even attempt to take the test! Of course I call the insurance to see what the deal is and they show there has never been a lapse in our insurance and that they have electronically sent DMV our information when required. So someone somewhere in DMV and/or our Insurance company made an error and I'm just plain out of luck. It takes up to 2 days for our insurance and DMV to take care of it and correct their error. No one is telling us why we were never notified that there was ever a suspension put on our registration. And certainly no one is apologizing for our inconvenience or bending over backwards to make it right.

I guess the frustrating part is that we worked SO hard to make sure everything was in place for this morning just to be blindsided again... someone elses error that I again pay the price for. I'm just inches from meltdown mode. I have experienced nearly every emotion this morning from frustration to anger to disappointment... you name it. Okay, blog therapy complete (thanks for baring with my venting) and now the pity party needs to end. We are still planning on signing papers for our new house so lets just hope that goes without any unpleasant surprises. I'm allowing myself a little while to go through the emotions of this disappointment and plan to indulge in some sort of really good chocolate (my Mom's suggestion) and then it will be time to move on. Today is still a day to celebrate. I have been seizure free for one full year today and that is worthy of some serious praising God and celebration, right?

Just Another Day

Nope nothing special... Oh, unless you consider being SEIZURE FREE FOR ONE FULL YEAR something special!!!!!!!!!!!! So I start off the day with a thankful heart and a celebrating attitude. To update on yesterdays post~ One of our 2 vehicles returned home at 9:00 last night and is in excellent working order for me to take my driving test at 9:30 this morning in. Talk about cutting it close! No, no, not stressful at all. I'm also not at all nervous about being tested on something so important that I could not practise for... no big deal right? Okay, yes.... I'm SUPER nervous. I want so much to be able to celebrate again today because I have passed the test and put this all behind us forever. Then afterwards we are just going to sign the papers that will commit us to moving to a new home for sure. So... just another ordinary boring day around here. Nothing exciting or life changing happening at all.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Sick Car Blues

So tomorrow is my behind the wheel driving test and this morning we have 2 of our 2 vehicles at the car doctor. Yesterday was a bit unpleasant. We had it all figured out. We managed to get our SUV to the mechanic on Friday morning and it was supposed to be fixed over the weekend so we could get it back on Monday. This didn't happen. We didn't hear from and couldn't reach the mechanic all weekend and then when we did finally reach him Monday morning it was to learn that it needed lots of work that they hadn't even started and what we thought would be a quick fix and cost a couple hundred dollars is really a big fix and will cost a couple thousand! Not happy. We quickly considered our options. It's been a great vehicle to us for the most part but it's now old and honestly not worth the cost of fixing it. Could we take that money and instead put it towards getting a new car? So we looked into that until we realized that we had to get this work done for it to pass a smog test so that we could get it registered (which is due today- not going to happen on time!). If it's not registered we can't even sell it or trade it in so we are kind of stuck with having to suck it up and do it! We are kind of sick about it but what can you do?

We thought the SUV would be all fixed up in time for me to use it for my driving test tomorrow but it will not be ready in time now that more work is being done. So what now? I can't use our van because the electric drivers side window has not worked in years. It's one of those things we kept meaning to get fixed but never got around to. A drivers side window that rolls up and down is a requirement for the test. We couldn't really put the van in the shop while the SUV is in the shop because Jim is swamped at work and needs a way to get there. Then we decide to just not stress about it and to get me a rental car to take the test in. I looked that up with DMV and in order for me to take the driving test in a rental I have to show them the contract in my name and insurance to cover it. That's when I realize... I can't rent a car without a license!! duh!!! ;) Soooo.... Last night Jim drove the van to the dealership where he was able to get a rental for work today. They told him the work would be done to the van before he got off work tonight. So after work, if all goes as planned... he will be picking up the van and driving it home and I will have it to drive for the test. Here's praying that it all goes without a hitch. One unexpected problem, part that needs to be ordered, slow working employee, etc, and I'm totally out of luck for tomorrow.

It hasn't been too fun around here since yesterday afternoon. Tomorrow is my test and afterwards we are going to sign papers on our new home. So hopefully tomorrow will bring lots to celebrate!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Teach You How to Drive - Funny Animation by Bruno Bozzetto

Studying hard for my test on Wed. Me and the kids are pretty sure this very educational video will help me to do just fine in LA area traffic! ;) (NOT)

Green Pancakes and Good Times

Johnny, Luke, and Kyle enjoying their green pancake breakfast
along with their new "pets"
My Mom and Dad, Jim, and the boys as
we enjoy our last meal of our mini vacation together

Do you like green pancakes and ham, Sam I am?

We are back from our mini vacation to hang out with my parents. We had a wonderful time! We love every moment we get to spend with them. Saturday night we went out to a celebration dinner and had so much to celebrate: Being together, my Dad starts a new job today (please pray for him!), Jim got a raise last week, and I may be driving in a couple days!

This morning I threw on my Green sweatshirt and then checked the boys and handing out "you're not wearing green" pinches. Kyle lucked out and had some green on. They all got excited and ran upstairs to make sure they had green on for the day. Johnny wanted to protect his new Teddy Bear and even threw a pair of his green shorts on him (in above picture). I was the HERO of the day when I made these green pancakes! We will probably do a craft later today too. Give me just about any excuse to celebrate and it will be done big around here. It's been said that I would celebrate the Grand Opening of a can of soup... so true!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Look Out World!!!!!!!!!

Guess who will be driving again soon? Yep!!!!! I know my friends and family have been following this unbelievably stressful and frustrating process of trying to get my license back. Well, my friends, this horrible journey has suddenly and unexpectedly come to an end! I shared last week about the argument I got into with my Primary Care Doctor because he decided that he would not be willing to sign my DMV medical Evaluation form and that I should be cleared by a Neurologist instead even though 3 different neurologists (not counting 2 in Texas) ruled out the possibility of it being Neurological. So after our heated debate he kind of gave in with a stubborn agreement to sign my paperwork but to make it clear that he has advised me NOT to drive until cleared again by a neurologist. I so dreaded turning it in as I knew it would cause more problems then help.
Then this morning I received a very unexpected phone call from the last DMV hearing officer that interviewed me. He went over the paperwork with me and kept going back and forth about what to do and then said he decided to approve me to DRIVE AGAIN!!! I expected many months more of hassle and not being able to drive. So that's great right? It gets better. I am legally obligated to take a behind the wheel drivers test (anyone suspended for medical reasons is required to) but he was able to schedule that for me on Wednesday the 19th. That's in 5 days!!! If I understand correctly if I pass this test my license will be restored! It gets even better... I did not choose March 19th~ it was assigned to me. Does anyone know what March 19th is? The day I celebrate EXACTLY one year since my last seizure!!! How cool is that? It's so clear that God was making it obvious to me that He's had it planned this way all along.

I am a bit nervous about the driving test. I have not been behind the wheel for almost 1.5 years and I may not legally do so until then so I'm going in quite rusty. I sure wouldn't turn down prayers for it! ;)

More Sweet Lessons from Children

Each night our kids run upstairs to brush their teeth and then meet in Kyle and Judes room for prayer before going to sleep. Jim and I often take turns doing this special time with our boys. Last night I had the privilege. We all said our prayers and then is when I usually head off to our own bed. However, last night was one of those times I just wanted more time with our boys so I laid down and they came and climbed all around me until all 3 of them were curled up near me. It started out as a simple enough conversation. The boys wanted to know why we are leasing another house instead of buying one (a question already asked and answered many times). So I again explained to them about the adoptions of their brothers and sisters and that it costs a lot of money to bring them home. Right now we have to make decisions so that we keep a lot of money going towards completing our family. I explained that when we were done with the adoptions we would get all that money back and have plenty of money to go and buy a new home, we just have to be patient. This began a conversation about making sacrifices for the things that matter. Not only were the boys then okay with it but it led to them asking me what more sacrifices they could make to bring their brothers and sisters home. We talked about the ones they have already made and the ones they will need to make when they come home. Then I had a chance to talk with them about what it might be like when their brothers or sisters come home. I explained that Stephanie, Jude, and Lovenie are having to leave behind everything they have ever known~ their country, family, friends, and learn a new language, etc. I told them how this may mean that for a little while they might need more of Mom and Dad's attention in the beginning so we can make them feel welcome and loved. I wanted them to know that if I suddenly start giving our new family members lots of attention it does not mean I like or love them more... It just means that they are needing me more right then. Our boys all sweetly agreed to not get jealous or hurt feelings when this happens. They are so concerned that their new brothers and sisters will be happy in our family. Then I looked over at Johnny and I could see that he was making the "I'm trying not to cry face". I really thought I blew the talk and now I've upset our little Johnny. When I asked him if he was sad he just burst into uncontrollable tears. I pulled him into my arms and waited for him to calm down a little so he could talk. When he finally told me what was wrong it had me fighting back tears too. He said in the most heartfelt way "I' sad for them that they have to leave all their friends." You could tell that he indeed was heartbroken for how hard that would be for his brother and sisters. Johnny was feeling the pain of something he wished his brother and sisters would not have to face. It's been amazing to see our boys love and care so much about siblings they have never met.

It's amazing how much you can learn when you tap into the hearts and thoughts of children. May we live our lives willing to take the burden of others (like Jude) and crying for their loss's (like Johnny). What surprises me about Motherhood is that I feel as if I learn so much more from these sweet young children then I could ever teach them. People often, well intended, say to Jim and I what a wonderful thing we are doing when they hear about our adoptions. Or will make comments about what a great opportunity we are giving them. I often just respond kindly as I know what they mean but inside I'm thinking... for them? No no... the blessing is 100% ours!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

True Love

Earlier in the day I was thinking about the amazing children God has brought into our lives and there is no other word better to describe how it feels then-- Humbling. I've said it before and I'll say it again.. I could never earn the honor of being Mom to this 8 Pack. It is none other then a really beautiful gift that I am so grateful to receive! So I was thinking about all this today before I even read THIS:

I will confess to this being total blog theft but I love reading my friend Kez's blog. She is so involved in the lives of and so very loved by the children and parents of NLL/HFC! You can find heartwarming stories of her times with these amazing kids at:

Following is a story and pictures I got from her blog about Jude and his heart for Lovenie that reduced me to tears:

HFC is a family. A large one, but a family nonetheless. And as in any other family, siblings fight sometimes. While I was in Haiti, some of the boys and some of the girls got into a tiff and weren't talking for a few days. It all got resolved before I left, but during that short time of not getting along, one of the girls angrily said that if a stranger was beating her up, the boys would not do anything to stop it. This is, of course, ridiculous and not true. Our boys would die for their sisters, but heck, I probably said the same things about my older brother when I was mad at him.

I set out the next day to prove that girl wrong. I asked several of the boys what they would do if they saw someone beating up one of the girls. They said they'd run for help or they'd fight the man. But my favorite response was TiJude's. I asked him what he would do if he saw a man beating his little sister Lovenie with a stick. Without the slighest hesitation, TiJude said, "I'd take the beating for her." What a boy!

Spontaneous Vacationing

Why not plan getaways the same way we plan the rest of our lives... Spontaneously! It's been 4 months now since I've been able to throw my arms around my parents and give them a big hug. That's really too long to ask a grandparent to go without seeing their grandkids don't you think? We keep trying to figure out a time and way to see each other again but on both ends our lives have been just too busy. So here we are now getting ready for a move (also was pretty spontaneous) and my parents are starting a new and really exciting chapter in their lives and well... things are just going to get busier. So we will be seizing the weekend! Early Saturday morning my parents will be leaving from their home and we will be leaving ours and we will meet up in the middle. We will have Saturday to hang out together and stay at a hotel that night. Then will all return home on Sunday. We are so excited to see them we can barely contain ourselves!!!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Point Of Grace - How You Live [Turn Up The Music]


Sunshiny Days

The last couple of days have been in the 80's and BEAUTIFUL!!!! I know some of my really dear friends are in cold places right now so this is not a "rubbing it in" so much as a hopefully tempting plea for you to come here and hang out in the sunshine with me.

Wishing you were here!

The Miracles continue

Lovenie giving a high five to Kez... A high five!!!

Hinting at one of those smiles

Look at the wide open eyes!

Yesterday my friend Kez started off our day so beautifully. She shared these pictures and information about our little Lovenie. The first picture is of Lovenie giving Kez a high five. I can't believe it!!! When I was in Haiti the last time I could never have imagined or hoped that Lovenie would be able to think through or physically be able to give someone a high five! I love getting pictures of her smiling as it was something she just didn't do (or wasn't able to do) for the last couple of years. According to Kez Lovenie is trying to talk but the word are all jibberish (but she is trying to talk!!!!). As Kez was getting ready to leave Haiti she heard a voice yelling "Hey, Hey" to her. She turned and in great surprise learned those words were coming from Lovenie who wanted to make sure Kez came to her for goodbyes also. Kez also told me that she's pretty sure she heard Lovenie say Mama a couple times. This of course is totally precious to me. This is the only thing she said to me over and over again when I was in Haiti. Our little girl is starting to talk. I can't even begin to imagine how many more miracles we will see God work in her over time. What a great gift--- thank you so much Kez!

On the homefront- The last couple of days have been pretty great for our family. Everyone is feeling well, the exams for the home study went great, and it looks very likely that we will be moving into the home we are most excited about. The paperwork is being done for it at the moment but it is looking good and we should have a more definate answer in the next couple of days.

Monday, March 10, 2008


A couple news worthy happenings from the last few days:

Friday Kyle and Luke had their physical exams for our home study update. It went okay until poor little Luke had to get 4 shots, a TB test, and a blood test. I felt so bad for him but he was quite the trooper.
Saturday we looked at more homes in Lake Elsinore and believe we have decided on a new home. The paperwork is being processed and I'll share more about it when it is a done deal. We were going to go to an adoption party afterwards but it started getting late. We were filling out the paperwork while the kids played at a park and both Johnny and Luke managed to get hurt while playing and were kind of whimpery. They really did a have a reason to whimper but we could also tell they were totally exhausted~ we all were. So we headed home.
Sunday morning we all headed to church. Luke complained that he didn't feel good but we get on to him all the time for saying that because he just doesn't want to do something. He kept insisting that his stomach hurt and we kept thinking he was faking and hurried along. When we were almost to the church building Luke turned his head and hurled all over himself and on Jim's shirt (Jim was holding him). Jim rushed him to the bathroom where he continued to get very sick. We all turned around and headed home. As the day went on he also got a fever and then we noticed it.... His upper left arm was swollen to twice the normal size and was bright red as if it had been burned really bad. His sleeve was covering it so it took us a little while to notice it. He had received one of the shots on that arm on Friday. We realized he was having a reaction and off we were to Kaiser. He's well now!

Sunday around 1:30 AM we were woken up by an earthquake. I was awake for the rest of the night/morning.

Tomorrow we have our physicals (Jim and I) for our home study. If you think of it would you please say a prayer for me and my doctor? I saw him on Friday and we ended up in a tense 30 minute raised voice exchange over my DMV forms. He's decided he's not going to sign my new form (even though he had said he had no problem doing it 9 months ago!) and tried to pass it back to the Neurologists again-- I'm done with the neurologists and the whole thing was insane so lets just say he didn't like it when I told him so and I didn't like the insanity. So, I have to see him again tomorrow and honestly am dreading it.

Oh, last thing.... We also had to research what is really going on with home schooling in CA. You may be hearing all sorts of things in the media regarding the fact that Home Schooling in California is now illegal because of a new court ruling. We read the actual ruling and the media is doing a great job of wording it to make it sound way worse then it is. True that "home schooling" is "illegal" but they are not saying anything that hasn't already been established. Our family has a private school that is registered with the state. I have to keep files and be willing to be dropped in on for an audit but otherwise am teaching within the legal requirements to teach our children this way. The media is really wording things in a way that is causing panic for home schooling families and even worse... IMHO... is that it is sending the message to non home schoolers that it is illegal. There are ways to legally teach your own children but now it's likely many of us "home schoolers" are going to have the headache of constantly dealing with people saying to us "Isn't that illegal?" or being "turned in". So we will just continue to make sure we are doing it within the legal guidelines and not stress about it at all. Seems you just can't call it home schooling while you go about your home schooling. ;) No problem... for anyone wondering....our children attend a private school. This private school is conveniently located right below their bedrooms.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Saturday Chores

Jude hard at work
Is our tough guy cute or what? Recently Kez posted on her blog ( ) about the chores the kids do on Saturday mornings at HFC. So today I imagine them hard at work. I wish I were there to help them. I'm not sure but I think today might be Kez's last day at HFC. Please pray for her. Last days are so hard and often filled with so many tears.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

How difficult is adoption?

I think for all us families waiting for our children in Haiti we would say it's very very difficult. Speaking for myself it has been one of the hardest things (and also a source of some of the greatest joy) I've ever endured. However, As I was packing some of our things I came across something that gave me so much encouragement and some really great perspective on the fact that what is being asked of us is NOTHING in comparison to another adoption story, the most beautiful and important adoption story ever:

God amazes me how he plants things in our lives for us to come across just when we need it. Several months ago my Dad (who is a pastor and very gifted biblical teacher) shared a message about our adoption into God's family. I had printed off a written copy of his message and for some unknown reason put it in a drawer that held nothing else but CD's. I decided to pack up the Cd's and this is when I found the papers with this message. I sat down at that moment and read every last word on those papers. It's just what I needed to read, right when I needed it. God's so totally faithful!!! My Dad shared about our precious Jacques and how much our family wants him to be a member of our family and how much joy it brings us to get emails that Jacques excitedly calls us Mom and Dad in. It brings us GREAT joy to hear from him and to be called that by him. The message reminds us of how much God, our Father, loves it when we cry out to him and call Him our Father. It talks about our adoption into the family of God and the price it came at and the great desire God had to make us members of his family.

This got me thinking about what I would be willing to do to make Jacques, Stephanie, Jude, and Lovenie members of our family. Without any doubt I love them as much as I love the children born to us. Just as I would willingly lay down my life for my children at home, I believe I would also willingly lay down my life for the children adopted into our family. I think any parent can understand this concept of loving our children that much. Now, put yourself in these shoes.... Pick one of your children and imagine someone just told you that in order for you to have all of your children together you would have to have that child beaten and tortured beyond anything imaginable. Could you do it? Sure you would willingly pay the price yourself but would you allow it to happen to one of your other children to benefit the well being of all of your children? Is that not totally unimaginable? Even if you knew that your child would once again be well and that child was willing to make this sacrifice for your family... Could you watch it happen and not prevent it?

Is this not exactly what God did for us? In order for God to gather up all of His children in His family He had to allow the greatest torture to ever happen happen to His child. He could prevent it but allowed it to happen because there was no other way to bring us to Him justly- this was the cost. Our Father in Heaven loved us this much and wanted us this much. Jesus loved us enough to go through it to allow for us to be brought into the family as well. How could we ever turn our backs to that kind of love? Can you imagine doing all this for the child you are adopting only to have them refuse to have anything to do with you, or even to curse you?

In perspective of the greatest price paid so that we can be adopted into Gods family.... How hard are our adoptions really? A breeze!

Have you accepted the God that has paid the greatest price to make YOU His child? Have you accepted the offer to be a member of God's family? If you have... Have you thanked Him today for the kind of love that He has given us and the great cost it came at to make us His child? With a thankful heart and ready to dive back into our easy adoption process..... Angela

Wednesday, March 05, 2008


I thought I would follow up real quick on what happened at yesterdays DMV hearing. Once again it did not go well... I have yet another medical evaluation form to have filled out by yet another doctor. Remember the months and months it took me to get the last ones filled out? Here's the kicker: Nine months ago I told my doctor and the insurance company which doctor and information made sense to me to turn into DMV. They insisted I was wrong and DMV went along with them. So I have my hearing (again) yesterday and the hearing officer seems baffled as to why he doesn't have the information that I said we should do 9 months ago. So now... another form, another doctor, likely many more months of battle. This hearing officer insists that this should be the last thing they ask me for but I can't for sure go back to him as I'm randomly scheduled with different officers and they all seem to have different ideas of what's needed.

I don't know why this is so difficult for everyone else (DMV, dr.'s, insurance) to understand. It seems pretty simple to me... One letter from one doctor that says I used to have seizures but I don't anymore. See, I did it in just a couple seconds! ;) So totally back to the beginning on this whole process and the last 9 months of frustration were all a waste of time. :(

We looked at more houses yesterday and they were all wonderful. We plan to continue looking this weekend. I'm exhausted today and have nothing at all interesting to say so I'll end this now.....

Hoping and praying for some good news to brighten this tough week!

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

A Big Day

What a big and important day today is. Most importantly... HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my dear friend Debbie!!! I'm so honored to have you as a friend and glad God created you so I can hang out with you! ;)

I'm on my way out the door for an attempt at my DMV hearing (again). This time I'll try and make it on the right time and day. LOL. I will be seizure free for 1 year this month so here's hoping that I get my license back.

We also have many houses we have scheduled to look at today and they all look and sound just wonderful from the internet. It seems like we will not have any trouble finding a new home to be excited about.

Also today is a big day for a family member too. Please say a prayer for them as today could changed a lot in their lives!

Monday, March 03, 2008

The bigger picture....

I got a chance to talk with the owner to find out what was going on. It was a good lesson in not making assumptions about things. The other family contacted him to see the house before we did but we were able to make it there sooner so he went ahead and showed them the house also. The family wanted the house so much that they offered to pay more rent, move in sooner, and pay for the landscaping. This family is in a situation that they need to move before the end of this month and want to live in the area because of work and school. He told us that he felt torn about the situation because he had two really nice families to choose from and didn't want to turn down either of us but only one home. He did say that because he already offered us the home he would keep his word and get the lease to us and let the other family know.

After praying about it and discussing it with Jim we both, after having all the facts, decided that while we wanted this house, the other family needs it more. We have lots of time to look and because I home school we can move to any area we like. We just have more options then this other family. So I called the owner back and let him know that he could go ahead and offer it to the other family first. BUT... If they fall through for any reason we will be the 1st people he calls! ;) So... Kind of bummed to let go of the home but feeling strongly that it was the right thing to do. We are back to the housing search, which I enjoy, and feel confidant that God has something better planned for us!

What a week!

Okay, I know it's odd to title your blog "make fun of your day" and then be such a downer but it's been that kind of week so I'll just be honest about it. So I just shared with you all about the great house (below) that we are so excited about. We told the owner we wanted to move in and he said it was ours and he would get the lease written up and mail it to us... but verbally it was a done deal on both sides. That afternoon we gave our notice to the owners of the house we are in. Sunday we even started sorting and packing to get a jump start. Then this morning I get an email from the owner of the new home saying that he showed the house to another family the day after us and they really want it too so he's going to give it a few days consideration and will let us know who can move in. WHAT??? Can anyone just keep their word to us? Can anything go without great difficulty? There is nothing we can do about it since he did not have a lease ready we did not sign it so he's legally able to do this. However we are very concerned again about the size of our family. While he may not come out and say that as the reason we can't think of any other for him to consider someone else after we filled out the application and let him know we wanted it. We have a flawless rental record, good credit, Jim makes a 6 figure stable income, we have no pets and are non-smokers.... What's the deal?

I sure hope he won't keep us waiting long in suspense and I think I'll go ahead and start looking at other houses. Man! So I wish that was all but it's not.... Saturday night Jim went to run an errand. He was taking our SUV because we've needed new brakes on our van. We didn't rush to get the van fixed because we only have one driver so didn't really need it right away. So of course Jim tries to start our other vehicle and it's just totally dead. The battery is fine so it's likely a bigger problem. So we cancel our Saturday night plans, scramble to find an auto repair place that is open on a Sunday (Did you know most are closed Sundays? I do now!) and call AAA to tow the van. The good news is we got it back last night and Jim was able to drive for work today. We still need to get the SUV in and find our what the deal is and how much it will cost us.

Sooo.... due to all the moving issues and efforts and depending on how much our vehicles end up costing it may not work out for me to go to Haiti again! I think this would be the greatest disappointment out of all of this. I know without any doubt that it will all work out one way or another but when you are in the thick of it all it can just be really overwhelming. Currently experiencing too much overload. ;)

On a fun note~ Our boys had a sleepover last night and their best friend is here. He's such a great kid and it's such a treat to our kids when he gets to stay with us. It gets even better... He's not just staying for the fun of it.... His parents are at their Phsyc. Eval appointments for their adoption of his 14 year old sister from Haiti. I can't wait to celebrate with them about being one more big step closer to sending of their dossier!

Tomorrow is my DMV hearing so perhaps that will be the source of some good news for us.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Introducing our new home!

Front view w/3 car garage

Formal Living Room

Notice the 58" brand new Plasma TV? It STAYS ;)

Great Room

Formal Dining Room



Partial view of Kitchen
Side view of kitchen

Island, Kitchen Nook, Great room w/fireplace
It's a mix of stunned and giddy! What a whirlwind the last couple of days have been. God's so awesome the way He takes a bad situation and not only turns it in to our own good but it's SOOO good! Today we agreed to a 2 year lease in a new home and gave our notice where we are living. We would have never imagined we would be this excited about what was so stressful just yesterday. We will be moving to Lake Elsinore. Our new home is nestled in beautiful hills with a view of the lake and lots of windows and view of lights at night. It's a brand new house that the owner bought for his parents but his parents decided to stay in their home in Orange county. The owner is moving out of state and doesn't want to deal with moving or selling all the gorgeous (and brand new) furniture so has offered to leave it with us. Instead of moving our household of furniture we will just sell our stuff and move right in to a fully furnished new home! Woo Hoo!!! He is also allowing us a couple of weeks rent free to start moving our things in before we have to move out of this house which is a HUGE help! The backyard is not yet landscaped and he has offered us a say in how we want it and is even considering adding a pool if we would like that (uh... yeah!). The pictures above are ones that he sent us of the house that don't even begin to do the home justice. We don't have pictures of our favorite parts of the home like the Master bedroom with a gigantic walk in closet easily the size of another bedroom, or one of the biggest loft area's we've ever seen that is so big that we can have a roomy playroom in one half and the other half a roomy school room. No more school in the dinning room!!! The owner of the home is just super nice and easy going. I think it will be a real joy to deal with him. We made sure our adoptions would not be an issue and he's totally cool with our large family. The house is the same size only it is a 5br, 3 bath instead of our current 6 br, 4 bath. The extra square footage is invested in the huge loft and we totally prefer that. Oh... and it's not so shabby that we are saving $660 a month to live in this great place.
Cool, cool, cool!