Thursday, February 28, 2008
The rest of the story
Updated Note: To anyone new to the my blog I thought the following may be confusing so I'll briefly explain~ I used to have seizures and CA is for some reason not fans of convulsing and driving. ;) So now my seizures are under control and I'm ready to drive again. Just wanted to clear that up before being branded as a wild outlaw... lol~
So it started out with me going to my DMV (department of motorized vehicles) hearing to attempt to get my drivers license back. Theoretically I should have been driving again many months ago but between errors on the part of DMV and my doctors/insurance company my case with DMV has opened and closed more times then the door to a public restroom! Each time my case is closed again it takes months more to get it back open and my license remains suspended. I had high hopes that today might end the madness. We left around 8AM to be there before my 9AM hearing. I showed up early and signed in. My hearing officer and the receptionist called me up to the desk and said that I was not on their schedule and asked to see my letter that showed what time I was to appear. They were both puzzled as my letter did say 9AM. The hearing officer asked me if I would wait for her to complete her other 9:00 appointment and then she would come and get me. No problem! So I wait nearly an hour just to be called to the desk again. The receptionist asks for my letter again and then points out the date to me. My hearing was not today it was TWO days ago!!! My case was once again closed because I did not appear and I would need to reschedule another appointment. At this point any pride I had was long gone and I began to beg and plead with her to see if I could get in at anytime today. She asked me to have a seat and she would see what she could do. At this point I was just about to totally lose it. In the past when my case was closed it would take me several months to get another appointment which means several more months of not being able to drive. So I sat and sat and sat. At 10:45 she finally called me back to the desk (I've now been waiting 2 hours) to tell me that no one could see me and I had to reschedule. I was so mad at myself. After months and months of delays due to mistakes other people have made I now had made the biggest of them all. I looked at that letter with the hearing information so many times. The only thing I can figure out is that the 28th is written at the bottom of the letter so I must have confused that with the 26th at the top of the letter. Now a little bit of sort of good news. The receptionist must have taken pity on me because there was one appointment available for Tuesday, March 4th and the rest were months away. I'll take it!!! So now I get to attempt it all again next week. Lets hope I can manage showing up on the right day!
Then we get home and I check emails~ always hopeful of news from Haiti. This is when I was in for another unpleasant surprise: When we moved here 2 years ago we were told that Jim's company would want us to move again in about 2 years. Since we thought this was going to be temporary we decided to rent a home. We've really enjoyed a gorgeous (and big) 6 bedroom, 4 bath, 3 car garage home. Our lease ends at the end of next month so the owner of the home sent us a new lease to sign. I had to read it several times to make sure that I was really reading it correctly. We had been very up front with the Property management company about our adoptions before signing the original lease. I also made sure that the owner was aware of it to make sure that it would not be an issue later on. The new lease we received today actually said that we would agree to pay a large increase in rent when our children come home. It was very clear that our adopted children were the only reason for this increase. We actually would not have been mad if they just asked us straight to pay an increase but to use our additional children as an excuse did not sit well with us at all! Never before have I heard of anyone having to pay more because they had bio kids or adopted more children.
The big news is that we are now very seriously considering moving! On one hand I totally dread the idea of even more stress at what is already such a stress packed time in our life. However, this new lease, that at first made us kind of mad, got us looking online to see what other homes are going for. It turns out that if Jim is willing to commute just 15-20 minutes more each way we could save as much as $500-$700 a month on rent for an equally nice or nicer home. So now comes the decision... Do we hang tight in this house we really like and not add the stress of moving or is it totally worth it to just make a move happen and save a lot of money? We will need to make a decision soon so we can give our notice here. So it's time for lots of prayer about what we are supposed to be doing. It's totally not the best time to be adding more to our lives but may be worthwhile in the long run.
I apologize that this has become so long and rambling. I realize it is very likely it will not make any sense at all. This morning I woke up with hopes of celebrating the end of the drivers license nightmare and ended the day still unable to drive and now maybe having to find a new home, pack up and move. My brain is beyond fried and I'm totally wiped out. It will be interesting to see what comes of all of this.
Crummy and then really crummy....
Meanwhile... Poor Jim is upstairs in bed with a migraine. Oh boy... Not a good day around here at all. So glad it is almost weekend!
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Getting Closer
Your children are still in MOI. I have just asked one the people that's working on our dossiers at MOI, she told me there is no problem with your dossier, and then Lovenie might have been signed but not out yet from MOI.
So I'm thrilled to hear there is no problem that might hold us up even longer. It sounds promising that Lovenie has been signed but I don't understand her being signed but not out of MOI. Any adopting readers that might know what this means? So, while not HUGE news it is just enough to reignite some hope that we may get the news we are so anxious to hear very soon!!!
This is why we wait......
Wow! Thank you so much for the great amount of kindness and encouragement so many of you sent to me after yesterday's post. I share my thoughts (even when they are not happy) for a couple reasons. One of them is that it's like therapy for me to put into words what I'm feeling, another is to share with other families that are adopting or considering adopting the truth about what our adoption journey is really like. For those in the process we can share that we all have down days in the long wait and it's so nice to know you are not going insane alone. It's nice to know I'll have company when I'm locked up one day. ;) Seriously... Thank you so much for your kindness!
Monday, February 25, 2008
Update and a little tantrum
Never fear... In a matter of minutes, hours, or days... I will likely soon be back to happy. However, for now... thanks for letting me share my frustration and heartache!
Good Mom/ Bad Mom
Just another Crummy Weekend.........
Friday- Jim HAD to stay home from work and play with us. He also HAD to go to court for a silly traffic ticket and won the case and the ticket was dismissed. Then we HAD to celebrate by meeting up at Disneyland with the Brady family who it turns out~~ just happens to be one of the funnest families we've ever had the pleasure of hanging out with!
Saturday- We HAD to sleep in late and then watch a movie before even getting out of bed. Then we HAD to go to a birthday party for one of our favorite of people on this earth (Happy Birthday Andrew!!!!) where we were forced to play some of our favorite games and eat Jim's (friend Jim, not to be confused with my husband) delicious bbq. We HAD to leave that party to attend a "Dessert" party and get together for families who are or have adopted. We met some really neat people and saw the most beautiful children of so many nationalities all blending perfectly together in their families. It was so cool to hear the many stories of these families being brought together through adoption and every one of them was of course exciting and incrediable!
Sunday- We HAD to attend yet another service at the church that we totally love going to. Then we HAD to go to Disneyland again to spend another day riding rides and laughing together with the Brady family.
Yep... just another nearly unbearable weekend! ;)
Saturday, February 23, 2008
The Brady Bunch
During the Electrical Parade
So this is the second time we have been able to benefit from living near Disneyland in this way. One of the greatest blessings during the very long (and grueling) wait of these adoptions has been that we have been able to connect with and form the most wonderful friendships with other waiting families! Many of them I've just known from online but gradually I've been able to meet some of these friends in person too. This happened again yesterday when the Brady family flew in for their family vacation. They graced us with the honor of getting to tag along. Just like when we met up with Mandy and Bryn and family... We were instantly comfortable with them and it was as if we were hanging out with long time friends! Their 8 year old daughter, Maddie, had our whole family totally charmed but especially our boys. She's totally adorable! We had such a blast and we must not have scared them off too much because we've been invited back for more fun with them this Sunday. We are already counting the moments until we get to hang out with them again. It was so hard to part Kyle and Johnny from their daughter when it was time to leave last night. The three of them kept trying to come up with suggestions to stay together or get together before Sunday. It was really cute.
Please pray for the Brady family as they are at the very beginning of the adoptions of two adorable twin sons from Haiti.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Things that make you go Hmmmm....
Why doesn't Tarzan have a beard?
Why do we press harder on a remote control when we know the batteries are flat?
Why do banks charge a fee on "insufficient funds" when they know there is not enough?
Why do Kamikaze pilots wear helmets?
Why does someone believe you when you say there are four billion stars, but check when you say the paint is wet?
Whose idea was it to put an "S" in the word "lisp"?
What is the speed of darkness?
Why is it that people say they "slept like a baby" when babies wake up every two hours?
If the temperature is zero outside today and it's going to be twice as cold tomorrow, how cold will it be?
Do married people live longer than single ones or does it only seem longer?
How is it that we put man on the moon before we figured out it would be a good idea to put wheels on luggage?
Why do people pay to go up tall buildings and then put money in binoculars to look at things on the ground?
Did you ever stop and wonder...... Who was the first person to look at a cow and say, "I think I’ll squeeze these pink dangly things here, and drink whatever comes out?"
Who was the first person to say, "See that chicken there... I'm gonna eat the next thing that comes outta its bum."
Why do toasters always have a setting so high that could burn the toast to a horrible crisp, which no decent human being would eat?
Why is there a light in the fridge and not in the freezer?
Why does Goofy stand erect while Pluto remains on all fours? They're both dogs!
If corn oil is made from corn, and vegetable oil is made from vegetables, then what is baby oil made from?
Why do the Alphabet song and Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star have the same tune?
Stop singing and read on…….
Do illiterate people get the full effect of Alphabet Soup?
Did you ever notice that when you blow in a dog's face, he gets mad at you, but when you take him on a car ride, he sticks his head out the window?
Does pushing the elevator button more than once make it arrive faster?
Now a couple questions of my own:
Will my husband call me with the answers to the questions that have an answer?
Will he be totally bugged by the ones that defy logic???
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Great News!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Celebrating 11 Months!
Monday, February 18, 2008
Another Friend~ Another Coma
We have been so grateful for your prayers recently for my friends son as well and I am happy to update that not only has he survived but is now out of the hospital and recovering remarkably well at home.
So, here we are again with heavy hearts for a friend, asking for you to please join us in prayer and expecting to celebrate soon with another great miracle.
It's In The Bag
These days if I say something is in the bag I probably mean it literally. I got two really fantastic bags in the last week. One was the over the top pink and black (totally girly) bag that was in the pictures/video from the limo ride. My Mom sent it to me as a gift and she got it from one of my favorite stores ever in the town where she lives. The store is called La De Da and is filled with nothing except over the top girl shopping. Everything that sparkles or frills can be found there.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
You got it, dude!
Jude (yellow shirt) and his friend Ernso try to say "You got it, dude!" in English. SOOOO CUTE!!
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Friday, February 15, 2008
Pictures from our Picnic
Thursday, February 14, 2008
A Picnic With A Twist......
I still had my "man cold" during the date but had drugged up and wasn't feeling too bad until we got home and I started getting much worse. After a sleepless night and some tossed cookies in the wee hours of the morning I realized that this is no "man cold" it's an ugly flu! So I've been pretty miserable for the last couple of days. A bit better today though. Still waiting on confirmation for Ange's visa appointment to see if we are heading to Haiti in just a few days. Please keep her family covered in prayers as they are all very sick also.
Happy Valentines Day to all my dear friends and family. I hope this is a wonderful day for you and your loved ones!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Great Big Celebration!!!!!
Monday, February 11, 2008
Updates and Date 10
So here's what's going on in our family:
No car debt! I just finished making the last payment on our van so we now have two cars and no payments. Love it! It feels pretty great to be done with it.
Jim and I have been trying so many variations on a trip to Haiti. Should he go since he has not met them yet or should I go again? Is it at all possible for us finally go together? (No) Should we hold off and see if I can go with Ange when she picks up her girls or hold out in hopes that our kids will come out any day now and we can go together to bring them home? We are hesitant to put off the trip thinking that any day now we will get the news we've been waiting for just to be disappointed with a long wait. Then again we are hesitant to go as it really is possible that we could get the news soon. Then you throw in what to do about the childcare of our boys and the crazy schedules we both have and.... whew! The plans have changed again and again and we are still unsure of what we will do.
Stephanie, Jude, and Lovenie are still in MOI (as far as we know). The girls files have been there for over 3 months and Jude's has been there for a little over 2 months. It seems the average recent wait times for this stage is 3-4 months. Some people have been signed out as quickly as 2 months or less and others have been stuck in this step for 6 months or more. So, again... we just have no idea what the wait will be but it does seem we are very close based on the average numbers. Once they are out of MOI we "should" be traveling quickly afterwards because everything else (birthparent interviews and I-600's) are done. We don't really mind having to wait. It's more a wishing we knew how long the wait would be so we could make plans based on actual information. ;)
Yesterday was the official first day of the new church we've been attending. I think we are more excited about this church then any we've attended in the past. We've been involved with them for several months now but the services started out being held once a month building up to the official start date and now we get to go EVERY week again. For the first official service the place was packed, literally! They ran out of chairs and had to start taking any they could find from the children's ministry and then even after that many people stood along the walls crammed in together. What a great start!
Jim has more then usual going on in the near future also. He's been swamped with work but most weeks he continues to still be able to work four long days instead of five. He's got a big audit coming up soon at work so that should keep him busier then usual. Remember a while back when I shared that he had an appointment with our dear government that ended up being an appointment to stand in line to make an appointment? Well that appointment is on the 22nd and we think there is a good chance it will not lead to another line to schedule another appointment.
My Driver's License- If it can be difficult it will.... It's true that DMV closed my file because it took so long for Kaiser to get the paperwork turned in so I had to wait over a month for them to re-open and review it once the paperwork did get turned in. Then I received a letter to appear for a hearing on Feb. 28th (more then another month away from when I got the letter). I have the slightest bit of hope that this will be the end of the driveless road since they did not request any more information from me in this letter, but that could change at my hearing. If that goes smooth I may be able to schedule a behind the wheel test and could be driving again soon. Consider yourselves warned. ;)
Dates- Well... here it is... the last of our 10 dates for 10 years. We have been trying to figure out how to make the last one really special and memorable. I think we have finally come up with just the right plan! We are hoping to be able to have this date tomorrow as the weather is supposed to be just gorgeous! This time I'm going to just say what we are up to... A picnic. A picnic? Is that our idea of going out big? Yes, because it is not your average picnic. There is a twist... Can any of my pro guessers figure out what the twist may be?
Friday, February 08, 2008
Let's not forget...
Kyle- Kyle (age 9) has been doing really great work in his very tough 4th grade curriculum. He's continued to keep straight A's (graded by the computer program, not just Mom). More importantly is that he can't get enough bible reading time! He has a kid friendly daily bible and is way ahead of the date because he doesn't want to stop reading when the days reading is over. He is often excitedly sharing with us what he is learning and talks about how exciting the bible is. I think he's going to follow in the footsteps of his Papa.
Johnny (age 7)- Kids just don't get any sweeter then this little guy! Whenever Jim or I ask him to do anything at all he almost always immediatly does what we ask with a sweet smile and great attitude. He's doing great in Second grade but especially excells at Math as he grasps concepts that shock me when he picks it up so quickly. His favorite subject is Science. I think he will be following in the footsteps of his Dad. Could we have another Chemical Engineer in the family?
Luke(age 4)- He's a real piece of work- that's for sure! He can turn on the charm like crazy or turn in to the most stubborn little person ever. Comes with the age. When he is sweet he is REALLY sweet! Yesterday we were in the innovention center when Luke took a time out from playing games to run over to me and plant a whole bunch of kisses on my face followed by a big hug. One of the employees saw that was working near us came over to meet him and tell him what a sweet and good little boy he is. He is still continuing to read at a rate that amazes us. I would think he's at least at a first grade reading level and picks up new words like it is no struggle at all. He sure is a smart little guy!
Pictures from yesterday's trip to Disneyland:
For Beka
Lots of Love,
We are still looking for ways to celebrate the final date. Keeping in mind that we are not planning any overnighters and the date will likely need to be around 6-8 hours at the most. Please send any great ideas my way!
Thursday, February 07, 2008
Disneyland Date
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
How Sweet He Is!
Hello mom and dad,
How are you? I 'm very happy to write this letter. Last weekend i was at a camp and icome back to home. I played basketball and soccer. I soccored a goal with my head. I ate so much. I prayed so much too and i was blessed. I smile so much too 'cause my friend told me some jokes. The jokes were very funny. Everybody was very happy at the camp.
If you could be there i was very very happy. I miss and love you so much.
When i was at the i thought to you so much. I prayed for you. I 'thought to my brothers too. 'cause if they could be there i could playe with them. I love you so much.
Please say hi! to my brothers, grandpa and grandma ,uncle aunt and all my familly.
God bless you!
Sweet son and brothers:Jaaco:
Hello mom ,
how are you? I received your letter. I love it. No i didn't go to the beach but we are going to the beach this saturday. I hope i will have a good time. Please say to my brothers be patient for God knows everything and can do everything.
I love you so much.
xoxo. Sweet son and brother"Jaco".
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Date 9 of 10
Meanwhile... Date 9 of 10 is scheduled for tomorrow. We will again go during the day and mid-week to avoid the crowds. This date will be to a place that is much more familiar to us but we have not been there without children since almost exactly 10 years ago (we were married just 3 weeks then).
I would love to hear your ideas!
Precious Love
Friday, February 01, 2008
Playing Cyber Tag
The rules are to link the person who sent this and leave a comment on their blog so their readers can visit yours. ~Post the rules on your blog ~Share 7 strange/weird facts about yourself ~Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and link their blog ~Let each person know they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog
I'm so normal that coming up with 7 strange/weird facts about myself will be a real stretch (anyone buying that?). Of course I think I'm totally normal and sane so instead I'll share what other people might find strange/weird:
1. I do not like jeans or T-shirts. I have nothing against them for other people and have even been known to buy them for others. I personally cannot stand how they feel and have never understood why people think they are so comfortable.
2. I love to be scared. Not life in jeopardy scared... more adrenalin rush scared! I'm totally not afraid of heights at all and love things that fling you high up or down in the air or is fast and really love the combination of both things. For many years I have wanted to sky dive. I have not done it yet but it is one thing I'm determined to do. I've done many other height and speed rush things. Motorcycles terrify me in the good way. I love hitching a ride from my Dad when we visit. (when can we go again Dad??).
3. I am outrageously girly. I prefer dresses and high heals if I have somewhere to wear them to (unless PJ's is an option, but even then my favorite is a long satin nightgown). I love to shop, dress up, change my hair, don't like to get dirty, and watch chic-flicks. The only non-stereotypical "girl" thing that I don't enjoy is shoe shopping or owning a lot of shoes.
4. Being a home schooling/stay at home Mom is sometimes a struggle for me. I think the benefits are totally worth it and am so grateful to be able to do it. However, it does not come naturally to me at all. I enjoyed working in the big world of grown ups. My favorite jobs have all been very socially oriented and I loved being around lots of people. Fortunately I have really great kids that are so fun to be with and a husband that is totally understanding and jumps in to help as soon as he walks through the door.
5. I love to dance. At home, in a public place, when I'm happy, when I'm sad... you name it! Just turn on some music and get outta my way (or come dance with me!). I'm not a good dancer but that's never stopped me before.
6. I made it in the newspaper just for being born. It's true! I was born on January 3rd and was the first baby born in that county that year. The county had a contest that I think was called Stork Derby, or something like that, and my parents won over 50 prizes from local businesses and a picture of my Mom and me in the paper. I was nearly 2 weeks late so I guess I figured I owed my Mom something to get on her good side. ;) How about that for a grand entrance into this world?
7. Favorite Day-- APRIL FOOLS DAY!!! I LOVE this day and am always thinking of what to do "this year". However, my friends and family have ruined my joy for this day as I've learned they actually call and email each other reminding each other of what day it is and not to answer my calls or believe anything I say. Bah humbug! I need new friends and family (just for the one day).
My turn to tag:
You're it!
Lost and Side Show Bob