Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Happy Halloween
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Don't Believe me
Jim IS working from home today and is starting to feel better. Thank you to everyone asking about him.
Here's a few moments from yesterday's outing:
Kyle took this picture of Luke and me just HAYnging out. Check out the girl in the corner of the picture doing the classic "oops, I didn't realize you were taking a picture". Cracks me up!
Monday, October 29, 2007
Some Good News:
We have just received the response from the U.S. Embassy in Port-Au-Prince. They have made a favorable determination of the orphan status of the children, Stephanie, Jude & Lovenie.
You may now complete the final adoption of the children.
WooHoo! We're that much closer!!! I think the last line is quite funny as they make it sound so simple to go ahead and complete the final adoption, haha. It still sounds really great though!
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Or not :)
Today I got some more alone girly time when Jim dropped me off at a salon where I got a fun make over and got to chill without the kiddo's. We managed to make it to another get together and had a great time there. It did end on a bit of a bad note though when Jim suddenly started having bad chest pains. By the time we left he was in a lot of pain and having a little trouble breathing. He's really healthy and athletic so I usually don't have to worry about him at all but he has quite the long family history of heart problems so that is one thing that freaks me out a bit. He's no baby when it comes to pain so when he suggested we head straight to Urgent Care " just to be safe" I started to really worry! They took him right in and did an EKG and it came back fine--- HUGE relief!!! We were at the hospital a couple hours and the results were that he likely strained some muscles when he picked up Luke at the party and twisted at the same time. We'll take it!! So he's up in bed for some down time that he rarely takes or needs. On the bright side he will work at home at least tomorrow and maybe for the next couple days if he needs to, so I'll get to take care of him and see him more.
We didn't make it to the BBQ we were supposed to head to after the get together but we think they'll understand and forgive us.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Weekend Plans
October 2007 update!
Stephanie: 84 lbs 59 inches.
Jude: 55 lbs & 52 inches.
Lovenie: 19 lbs & 45 inches.
Your dossier is very close to get in MOI.
God Bless you always!!!!!!!
NLL, Reginald
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Venus and Mars Vote
Well, before I talked to my Dad on the phone he talked to Jim first and made a comment about it and Jim's response was "Our vehicles are not in that great of shape anyways!" What???? What kind of response is that? In the 10 years I've been with my husband I have not been in any accidents... not even close to one! Wouldn't a nicer response be along the lines of "She's a great driver." ?
Okay so the debate--- My Dad insists that what Jim said was a compliment. Does anyone else see a compliment in there somewhere? No need to worry. No one is really fighting and I find the whole thing quite comical. I did give Jim a bit of a hard time about his response because when my Dad told me he said it I accused my Dad of trying to start up trouble (public apology to my Dad) just to find out after hanging up that Jim really did say that.
Help me out ladies.... Do I just not know how to take a compliment as my Dad insists or are the men in our lives just REALLY nuts?
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Please continue to pray for our children to come home! We did notice a couple errors on the decrees. One was just the english translation had a wrong date on it (the official paper in French has the correct date that has happened) and it's for a date that hasn't happened yet, hmmm...Could that be a problem? We also noticed that they have the address on it that we lived at when we started the process, but that was almost 2 years ago! Will this end up being a problem or will it just be corrected later on? Anyone had any experience with this they could share?
We are off to celebrate at Disneyland. We were going today anyways but decided it would be fun to call it celebrating at Disneyland instead of just going to Disneyland. ;)
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
So. Cal. Fires
I would like to ask you all to please remember Southern California in your prayers! It's absolutely shocking how many fires are going on and how many homes have been lost. For anyone wondering if we are okay...we are fine. There are a couple fires not too far from us. The closest is in Ontario. I'm not letting the kids play outside because there is just too much smoke to be breathed in but I don't think we will experience anything more then lots of smoke.
Monday, October 22, 2007
HUGE celebrations sure to come
Lesson learned from all this--- License good, seizures bad. When you get in your cars today please take just a moment to think of what a priviledge it is to get to drive. I hope my thankfulness for health and priviledges remains long after the seizures are gone and I'm running around town taking care of all the errands.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Totally Spoiled
Sound like a full weekend? We are just getting started. Tomorrow --bright and early we will be heading to Disneyland again. Life is good!
Friday, October 19, 2007
Night At The Roxbury Tribute
More Dancing--- This ones for my Mom who learned all her moves from this movie! Enjoy Mom! Warning to other Mom's and Dad's--video just a bit PG
Celebrating Again
Will I make it a whole year? How about a life time? Could the season of seizures be gone for good??
Feeling great today in CA! To God goes all the praise!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Bring the Rain
I can count a million times
People asking me how I
Can praise You with all that I've gone through
The question just amazes me
Can circumstances possibly
Change who I forever am in You
Maybe since my life was changed
Long before these rainy days
It's never really ever crossed my mind
To turn my back on you, oh Lord
My only shelter from the storm
But instead I draw closer through these times
So I pray
Bring me joy, bring me peace
Bring the chance to be free
Bring me anything that brings You glory
And I know there'll be days
When this life brings me pain
But if that's what it takes to praise You
Jesus, bring the rain
I am Yours regardless of
The dark clouds that may loom above
Because You are much greater than my pain
You who made a way for me
By suffering Your destiny
So tell me what's a little rain
So I pray
Holy, holy, holy
Is the Lord God Almighty
Adoptions that have fallen through
The first teen told she would not be adopted was Daina. She was told she had one to adopt her and it fell through in the same week. However, the more recent two are Debbie and Lovely and if I understand correctly they have known they were in the process of being adopted for a long time before it "fell through". PLEASE be praying for all of them, and for the teens that now question if those of us adopting them will follow through, and for the children who have never received the news that they have a family that wants them.
For more information about Debbie and Lovely you can see pictures and information for them at: . I struggle to understand how anyone could commit to a child (especially one old enough to understand) and then just drop the adoption. It is unimaginable to me. Jim and I have even made plans so that if one of us were to die the other would continue on with every adoption we've committed to. However, good can come from this... Lovenie became our child when her originally adopting family made the decision to drop their adoption of her after she had her stroke and was no longer healthy. Because of this she will be our precious daughter and she led us to 4 other children we can't wait to have home as well!!! Please pray with me that God would make something really beautiful out of what has happened to these teens also.
Yesterday's post update
Other great advice I received was that I am only responsible for my actions and attitude towards them, and for that I answer to God. So I pray that He will continue to change my heart, help me to be a more loving and forgiving person. And to give it all over to God and let him take care of it.
Everyday before starting school I have devotions with our boys. I presented this question to them also asking what they should do if someone hurts their feelings and it's amazing how simple the answer is to a 8, 7, and 4 year old. They were right on. I think God gives us children so that we can learn more about Him through them. They really are wonderful teachers of God's love! Thanks again to everyone that responded here and by email. It's been given over to God and now I pray He will help me to not try and grab it back. :)
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Dealing with people who hurt or offend you
Well, it seems God really wants us to understand how to handle this issue because now a new problem has come up. This time it is regarding one person (who claims to be a Christian, but we have seen many things to cause us to wonder if there really is a relationship) who we feel has made an unfair accusation against us. Not only did he make this accusation but he involved many other people and never said a word to us. We were shocked and hurt when someone contacted us to try and resolve this "problem". We couldn't believe how many people where talking behind our backs. Of course this hurt us and upset us because the complaint against us was so over exaggerated, and the people involved we have only treated with great kindness so were hurt that they would not treat us the way that we treat them. However, this is the way the world works, isn't it? The majority of the people involved are not Christians so we will not address them regarding the issue. However, the person that instigated all of this claims to be. So now we find ourselves in a situation again where we wonder... Do we confront the person instigating the accusation and not coming to us first? When we heard the complaint we gladly and quickly resolved the "problem". But now there is the how to handle our relationships with those involved. So, I would love to hear any and all advice on this (and gladly accept your prayers!). You can comment on the blog or email me privately at
Monday, October 15, 2007
HFC Has A New Sweetheart!
Friday, October 12, 2007
Tears and Prayers
Let the Good Times Roll
Kyle and Johnny loved the tire zipline in the Brother Bear playarea
Our first day at Disneyland was wonderful and we are so excited that we will get to go again and again. But why let that be the only fun we have all week? Last night we taught the kids class at bible study and had such a blast with the kids (such a great group!) and then got to eat and fellowship with our grown up friends afterwards too. Today a friend is picking us up and taking us to a school carnival with their family. Jim will meet us there after work and bring us home and then the kids are having their best buddy over for a sleepover. Tomorrow Jim is going to a men's conference tomorrow during the first half of the day. If we still have the energy we may go to a neighborhood Fall Festival. Sunday we are headed back to Disneyland and this time with fun friends that also have passes! At some point we need to do something sensible like... Oh, I don't know... maybe grocery shopping... We are out of EVERYTHING. Today for breakfast and lunch with the kids I'll just teach them the Mother Hubbard rhyme!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
We got an answer
Tonight we are teaching the kids class at our bible study and the lesson is about how Peter was in prison and even chained between two guards to make sure there was no way he could possibly escape...but he did, he miraculously escaped proving that no matter how impossible the situation seems God can totally overcome it. I have such mixed feelings about teaching this tonight. In one way it encourages me in our current situation and in another way it challenges me.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Early Christmas Gifts
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
And Spiraling Down Again...
So my last post was all cheer and happiness so what brought on this vent fest? My HMO. Yes... here I go again... feel free to skip reading this all together if your sick of hearing it. My insurance STILL has not filled out my 2 minute form so that I can drive again. First it was held up for a month while the doctors all pointed fingers at each other telling me everyone but them was the doctor I need to see (I'm really quite nice to them, honest, no one wanted to deal with the insurance forms. I can't really blame them... I don't want to deal with it either!). After a month of that I called the insurance company and insisted they pick a doctor so that I could schedule an appointment and get on with it. Then several weeks wait for the appointment. Got approved to drive by the neurologist. Had to take the forms to insurance. Found out later on that what they said they would do immediately really ended up sitting on their desk for 3 weeks! Then they sent it to the neurologist to sign (making this way harder then it has to be). I tried again and again calling the insurance office to follow up and could never get an answer. Today I finally got through just to find out the insurance still has not received it back from the doctor so he has had it sitting on his desk for a few weeks now. I've had it. Nice Angela is gone and "This is totally ridiculous" Angela has taken her place. I now have a call in to the doctor. I'm so frustrated with them. I know to them it's just another piece of paper to take care of... to my family it is HUGE inconvenience EVERYDAY... Does anyone care about that... OH NO!!!
Can someone PLEASE give us some positive news already???!!!!!
Okay that turned in to way more of a vent fest then I intended. ;) It kind of felt good. Now I won't have to take it out on Jim or the kids (they thank you).
It's a new moment so it must be time for a new emotion: Tomorrow we have a HUGE surprise for our kids. I'm so excited about it. (Oh, yes, one person can have this many emotions at once). I'll have to wait to share what it is but we are going to have a super good time tomorrow as our kids are getting their Christmas gifts very early!
Homesick but Encouraged!
Yesterday was also a day of encouragement as Jeremiah 29:11 came up unexpectedly:
11 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Those who have been following our adoption know how exciting it is for me to be reminded of that verse and how special it is to me. It always appears unexpectedly when I really need encouragement or am about to receive news about the kids!
Lately I've been also "stumbling" across Jeremiah 29:12 and it's words are just as wonderful and encouraging as 11:
12 Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.
Yesterday I unexpectedly came across both of them. So it was either God's way of really encouraging me yesterday or giving me a heads up that we have some adoption news brewing.
Hundreds of families have been waiting a very long time to bring our children home from Haiti. We have made friendships and provided each other with so much encouragement and support. Here is just some of the children we as a group are waiting for. While you are reading/watching this could you please take a moment for prayer for our families? Thank you!
Monday, October 08, 2007
Nick Vujicic - Life Without Limbs
Another case of blog theft (thanks Tanya). Talk about ENCOURAGING!!
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Mary Poppins: I Love To Laugh
How long has it been since you watched Mary Poppins? We just watched it and I forgot how great it is. This was my favorite scene. The jokes are so funny.
Don't forget to laugh today!
Our letter from Jacques was so sweet. I'm really missing our kids! If we don't hear word soon that it looks like they will be home soon it may be time for another trip to Haiti. Jim's doing our budget now and found that his paycheck was higher then usual. At first we thought it was an error until comparing paycheck stubs and we learned that it was a change in taxes and we get to keep it! What's really cool is we had our brakes fixed on Friday and the extra in his check was about $30 more then what the repair work costs, or as I quickly pointed out... it's also almost to the dollar how much it would cost for a round trip ticket to Haiti... Stay tuned. (Anyone want to go with me???)
What do you remember?
Take this Max Lucado
---Name the ten wealthiest men in the world.
---Name the last ten Heisman trophy winners.
---Name the last ten winners of the Miss America contest.
---Name eight people who have won the Nobel or Pulitzer prize-
---How about the last ten Academy Award winners for best picture or the last decade's worth of World Series winners?
How did you do? I didn't do well either. With the exception of you trivia hounds, none of us remember the headliners of yesterday too well. Surprising how quickly we forget, isn't it? And what I've mentioned above are no second-rate achievements. These are the best in their fields. But the applause dies. Awards tarnish. Achievements are forgotten. Accolades and certificates are buried with their owners.
Here's another quiz. See how you do on this one.
---Think of three people you enjoy spending time with.
---Name ten people who have taught you something worthwhile.
---Name five friends who have helped you in a difficult time.
---List a few teachers who have aided your journey through school.
---Name half-a-dozen heroes whose stories have inspired you.
Easier? It was for me, too. The lesson? The people who make a difference are not the ones with the credentials, but the ones with the concern.
From And the Angels Were SilentCopyright 1992, Max Lucado
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Jim's Mom, Marlene/Nana, was our cheerleader from a distance (I don't think she wanted anyone to know she was with us!) :)
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Holiday Season Idea
" ... I was hungry and you fed me, I was thirsty and you gave me a drink, I was homeless and you gave me a room ..." Jesus, The Message - Matthew 25:35
What a great way to serve the Lord while blessing His children. It would also be such a great example and lesson for your children about giving and caring for others. HFC gives children without a home (most have lost both parents or were abandoned very young) a safe place to live, school, food, and love.
You can get more information about HFC and how to sponsor one of these great kids at
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Calvary Austin Moving Video's
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
The San Diego Zoo
From now on we have agreed that Jim will take the kids that want to go and I'll do something else with the younger kids. Works for me! ;)
Pictures from the zoo
Look out!
A family favorite was this cute baby monkey that we first saw laying down in a crib. The caretaker held him up for us to see and then we watched him drink from a bottle. The boys thought it was especially funny that a monkey was wearing a diaper.