Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Dear Woman Here is your son
"Dear Woman, Here is your son". This is a very touching verse to me because it shows yet another beautiful example of adoption. As Jesus was on the cross he took the time to appoint John and Mary as Mother and son. There was no paperwork, no red tape, no asking permission or jumping through hoops. Simply the Lord said it and it was so. I believe God still appoints families in this way. This is something I think I can especially relate to while going through the adoption process. It is not a matter for us that as soon as our paper work leaves 2nd Legal they will become our children. God has already appointed them to us as our children, and us as their parents. We will certainly celebrate when that is recognized by the government, however, God has said to us in His way "Jim and Angela this is your sons and daughters". That is all it took for us to have a God given love for our children as our sons and daughters papers or no papers.
Today I was reminded of this verse and touched by a woman that I really admire and respect. She is not in a situation to legally adopt a child that she loves as her son but that does not change the fact that she has a God given love for him as her son and has committed to being there for him as his Mother for the rest of his life. I think it's just a beautiful example of how we should all live. Does being a Father to the Fatherless or a Mother to the Motherless mean we have to legally adopt and bring children into our home... not if that is not part of God's plan for your life. However, look around at all the hurting children. They are not hard to find, the ones that just want someone to love them. Listen to the Lord and see if you hear him say the words to you "Dear Woman (or Man), this is your son or daughter" and then see how you can invest in that childs life allowing God to love them through you. What kind of difference could we make in this world if we all cared enough to look at the lost and hurting children and see if God says these beautiful words to you, whether it means adoption in the legal since or just commiting to being there for a child that needs you- the adoption of the heart.
Monday, May 28, 2007
Memorial Day BBQ/Eastvale Fellowship
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Another Family Fun Day!
Saturday, May 26, 2007
May Update Photo
Every month we get an update photo from the orphanage. We always look forward to it! This is the first time they have included Jacques in the update photo so it's extra special. We miss them so much. They are all healthy and doing well. Lovenie turns 3 in a couple of weeks and still only weighs 19 lbs. Our paper work is still stuck and has not moved at all but the good news is that there are some things happening with Jacques adoption that is reassuring. The only one not in the photo is little brother Vilner age 1. He is still at home with his mother and will be there with her as long as she is able to care for him and continue to nurse him. I'm so glad I got to meet him (and their Mom) while in Haiti and I'm so happy they have this time together. Please continue to pray for their health and safety.
We have received wonderful letters mostly from Jacques as his English is very good. We sent Dr. Bernard (the orphanage director and lawyer) an email letting him know that if we can't get Jacques home we will need his help finding us a job in Haiti because we have to be with our son. He responded to us in good humour and reassured us that, Lord Willing, all will be done to make Jacques a US citizen.
Jacques reads our blog so I'm going to add this for him: Bonswa Cheri, Ki kote souri ou? Ou tre bel. Mwen renmen ou anpil. Renmen, Mom
Thursday, May 24, 2007
3 Teenage boys have found their families!!!
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Riddles Contest- Updated
1) One morning while she was eating breakfast, Laura's diamond ring slipped off her finger and fell into a full cup of coffee, but the ring didn't get wet. Why not?
2) What grows down while it grows up?
3) What is the only professional sport which neither the players nor the spectators know the score until the match is over?
4) What turns everything around but does not move itself?
5) What is the worlds greatest world-wide use of cowhide?
6) I know a man who can shave 10 times a day and still have a full beard. Who is he?
If you think you know the answer to any of these riddles please post as many answers as you can in the comments section. I'll post the answers to them soon!
Encouraging bible verse:
I have come as a light to shine in this dark world, so that all who put their trust in me will no longer remain in the dark. John 12:46, NLT
Here are the answers to the above riddles:
1) The cup was filled with dry, ground coffee
2) A goose
3) Boxing
4) mirror
5) to cover cows
6) He's a barber
Another update: Smarty pants! I showed Jim (my husband) the riddles without showing him the answers and then sat back and listened to him processing each question and got every one of them right!!!
Way to go Jim: You are the winner of the riddles from Uncle John's Slightly Irregular Bathroom Reader. I'll work on getting you a trophy. I consider it my "duty" to do so!
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Rollin' in the family Limo?
Then yesterday someone sent me this link:
I'm pretty sure word leaked out and they stole my idea but am unsure of how to prove it. :) Look out world: The next generation of family cars is no longer the van (mini or otherwise) but the Limo.
The Pretty Princess and Sleeping beauty
Monday, May 21, 2007
A day of Goodbye's
Today is also a day of sad goodbye's for Kez and the kids of Hope for the children of Haiti and New Life Link. Kez has been living with them for several months and has such a great bond with them. There are many tears already, and I'm sure many more to come. It is especially hard for the children/teens to say goodbye to someone they love when they have questions like: Why does everyone I love leave me? Knowing this also makes it harder on Kez. They will keep in touch by email but they are all feeling a lot of pain from goodbye's today as she is down to just hours left with them.
Please join me in prayer today for my sisters Shelley and Kez, and for Shelley's children and the children of HFC and NLL. Thank you.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Mom's Cool Cuts Station
Kyle's Mohawk
Friday, May 18, 2007
Happy Month-aversary Sweetheart!
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Pizza my heart in Haiti
Jude getting ready to chow down.
Please forgive my "cheesy" pun about the pizza in the subject line, and then again forgive my "cheesy" pun about it being "cheesy". Thanks.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
SO like Father like Son!
God just keeps surprising us with the neatest things! Take Jacques's name for instance. We refer to him as Jacques in the French sound, My Dad calls him Jack because that is what it sounds like he calls himself with an accent on a video. My husband and I were discussing this and right after that talk I looked on a chat site where someone else posted a question about a boy named Jacques that she is adopting from Haiti. They plan to call him Jack when he comes to America. Someone else responded that while people commonly think Jack is the American version of Jacques because they kind of sound the same that the actual American version of Jacques is James. WHAT???? We've checked it out and found this to be true. I've gone on and on about how blown away I am at how much Jacques reminds me of my husband Jim (full name James). Their personalities are so similar that if they didn't look so different anyone that knew them would be certain they were Father and son from birth. Now to find out they share the same name! Get outta here!!!! :) We thought that was pretty cool. The neat thing is that when the HFC directors found Jacques in the hospital he told them his name was Jacobain. They broke the one name up into two names making it Jacques Obain. I wonder if God planted that in their heads knowing that years later His plan would come together and now this boy was named after the Father God chose for him. I can picture God smiling as He knows Jacques and our future and knew how much that would mean to us.
I was excited and emailed Jacques to see if he knew he had the same name as his Dad. He knew that the American version of Jacques was James but since he had only heard of his Father being called Jim it had never connected that they were both James. God's so good as He continues to constantly confirm His plan in our life and bless us with so many great surprises.
Here is a link that tells you exactly how to pronounce his name (you must hit the play button for it to work):